#!/bin/sh rm ./dnshosts.txt > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ "$1" = "" ] then echo "No IP subnet has been specfied";exit fi if [ "$1" = "-h" ] then echo " Command Syntax: For CLI output : ./dnsdump.sh xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx or For output to file ./dnsdump.sh xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx -r This is a wrapper script for domainscan. It formats the output so it can be compaired to the output of the activehosts.sh script. ";exit fi if [ "$2" = "-r" ] then ./domainscan -c $1 | awk '{print $1 " " $3}' | sed '1d' > $1-dnsdump-`date +%m-%d-%y`.txt; more $1-dnsdump-`date +%m-%d-%y`.txt; echo "The report name is $1-dnsdump-`date +%m-%d-%y`";exit else ./domainscan -c $1 | awk '{print $1"\t" $3}' | sed '1d' fi